News history
02/14/2023 - Version 5.2.3
* Bug fixed where empty images were being generated on screen 12 and gscreens 25, 26 and 31.
* Option to set the number of colors to use in the palette modes.
03/03/2021 - Version 5.2.2
* Bug fixed when loading image palette on Linux.
* Added load/save MSX binary palette on palette editor.
12/05/2020 - Version 5.2.1
* Screen 2 Error Diffusion bug fixed.
* Small bug fixes.
11/28/2020 - Version 5.2
* Implemented special quantization and error diffusion method for screen 2 created by Daniel Vik, Eduardo Robsy, Arturo Ragozini and Rafael Janone in their projects.
* Fix ordered dithering code.
* Euclidean distance code improved.
* YCbCr color space replaces RGB for color identification.
* Added Daniel Vik screen 2 cost function to adapt image to screen 2 format.
* Added new screen 2 effects and images are not compressed now.
* Minor bug fixes.
03/22/2020 - Version 5.1.4
* Some iterface improvements.
* Screen 2 adaptation methods fixed.
* Optimized palette sorting from dark colors to bright.
* Monochomatic palette (black and white) for screen 2.
08/02/2019 - Version 5.1.3
* Added some options for palette optimization.
11/25/2018 - Version 5.1.2
* Some bugs fixed.
06/18/2018 - Version 5.1.1
* Screen 8 conversion bug fix - yellow effect.
06/10/2018 - Version 5.1
* Great improvements on the program's interface.
* Bug fixes.
07/15/2017 - Version 5.0.5
* Bug fix on palette optimization, where resulted on repeated colors.
07/03/2017 - Version 5.0.4
* Bug fix on "Analysis" tool, where the changes were not reflected to screens 5-7.
05/23/2017 - Version 5.0.3
* Bug fix on palette editor.
05/18/2017 - Versão 5.0.2
* V9990: Bug fix on YJK and YUV screens loading.
* V9990: Bug fix on file header.
03/04/2017 - Version 5.0.1
* AI project Fuzzy model replaced the current model.
* Better results on "Fuzzy" color recognition.
* MSX Viewer 5 manual revised. Added the Analysis tool on the manual.
* Some bug fixes on Matlab/Octave MSX Viewer.
09/05/2016 - Version 5.0 (beta 17).
* Added new functionality to save animated screens in screen 2 mode (Screen 2 Show).
* Many buf fixes.
* Manual and appendix updated.
* Source code available.
* Simple MSX Viewer Matlab / Gnu Octave version for code learning.
* Basic MSX Viewer Gimp plug-in written in Python.
23/08/2012 - Version beta 15.
* Screen 12 bug fix.
* Ordered Dithering bug fix.
* Ordered Dithering added for screen 8.
09/14/2009 - Beta 14 version.
* Added GSCREENS 5-12 !!
* Bug fixed in image clipping stage.
* SymbOS palette bug found in early versions fixed.
* GFX9000 image header buf fixed. Thanks to Oazem for the report.
* Image analyze tools bug fixed.
07/20/2009 - Beta 13 version.
* Some bugs on v9990 imagespace fixed. Thanks to Oazem and Daniel Caetano for reporting me.
* Added the image analysis tool for 16 and 64 colors.
06/30/09 - Beta version 12 and manual, revision 2. What's new?
* Image space for V9990 available; and
* Palette 64 initialization buf fixed.
03/09/09 - Beta 11 version and appendix revision 3. What's new?
* Possible to pase images from clipboard; and
* Linear initialization of K-Means (step 6).
01/28/09 - Beta 10 available and manual revision 0.1. What's new?
* Now it is possible to export MSX conversion to PC format;
* Fix a screen 8 bug conversion; and
* Added the palette code to manual.
03/12/08 - Launched MSX Viewer beta 9 for tests.
02/09/08 - Currently BETA version being tested on VSU project.
02/09/08 - Some experimental MSX, GFX9000 and SymbOS screens in SCREENSHOTS.
02/09/08 - MSX Viewer 5 can now convert images for Screens 2-12, GFX9000 and
06/23/09 - MSX Viewer 5 on advanced stage of development. It will support V9000
chip too!!
10/23/06 - Palette interface on development. New apendice on downloads.
04/28/06 - What's ready until now? Class MSX image, reading all MSX screens.
04/28/06 - New version being developed in Linux enviroment (Mandrake 10.0).
04/28/06 - Yes! New version on development :)