MSX Viewer Freeware
Note: the MSX Viewer project is currently at version 5 and this page still existing only to register the project history.
Related Projects |
Ferramentas Graficas Graphic tools project which aims at studing methods for converting PC color to MSX colors. Error Diffusion and Nearest Color methods are used. |
Color Magic Tool used to edit image colors, by changing color indexes. Solid colors or range are possible. |
Alfabeto Plus Tool used to edit MSX native fonts. Compatible with MSX program Graphos III. It also converts PC fonts to MSX. |
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NEWS (dd/mm/yy)
- MSX Viewer now is Open Source.
- Windows, Linux and Mac versions are now possible.
- The related projects will be slowly incorporated to the MSX Viewer.
- Please, visit the new MSX Viewer 5 page.
- If you are interested in the related projects, please still on this page.
- Version of this page in spanish.
- Adds on MSX Viewer 4:
* More Error Diffusion filters.
- Some fixes on MSX Viewer 4:
* Error Diffusion 64 and 512 fixed again.
- Some fixes on MSX Viewer 4:
* Error diffusion 64 and 512 bug fixed.
* 16 MSX color recognize by Fuzzy Logic.
- Some fixes on MSX Viewer 4:
* Palette basic program little bug fixed.
* Palette automatic export.
* Right dimension after Screen button.
* Updated manual.
- MSX Viewer 4 available for download!!!!
- WhatŽs New:
* All MSX Screens.
* MSX 2 palette.
* Some small bugs fixed.
- Paleta 512 manual for download.
- Paleta 512 available for download.
- Utility for show all 512 MSX Screen 5 and 7 colors.
- Move mouse on the color to get its RGB Values.
- Alfabeto Plus 1.0 available for download!
- You can do with AP:
* Open MSX Graphos III fonts type.
* Load Windows True Type fonts to save on MSX format.
- Color Magic 1.1 available for download!
- Added x and y coordinates.
- Negative shades available.
- Color Magic 1.0 available for download!
- Still in portuguese the manual and the program :(
- Color Magic 1.0 started and finished!
- This program can change certain colors from images.
- Check the images in the bottom of the page.
- Version 3.2:
- Screen 12 save "stripes" bug fixed.
- Version 3.1:
- English translate option (right click on image).
- Screen 8 save bug fix (now saves error diffusion as version 2.2).
- 16 MSX color set bug fix (F.G.).
- Correction on F.G. menu (boring position).
- Version 3.0 finished!
- New version opens images saved by MSX 2 basic's COPY.
- "Ferramentas Gráficas" (Graphic Tools) Program included.
- MSX <=> PC Brazilian text conversor included.
- See at the bottom of this page what MSX Viewer 3 can do!!
- Version 3.0 on development. In this version it will be possible to
save or load screens saved by MSX 2 basic's copy command. Also, brings
an excellent Graphic Tool.
- Ferramentas Gráficas (Graphic Tools) finished and on final test stage.
- Version 2.2:
- Interlace bug fixed - Save.
- Fixed Screen 2 - Save.
- Next step: PC 24 bits to MSX 16 color conversion.
- Version 2.1:
- Screen 8 conversion bug fixed.
- Safety on save time (overwrite advertisement).
- Automatic extension addition, if omitted.
- Version 2.0 finished.
- Possible to save Screens 2, 5, 7, 8 and 12.
- Version 2.0 available for tests.
- Possible to save on Screens 5, 7 and 12.
- Screen 12 conversion finished.
- Screens 5 and 7 conversion finished.
- Native MSX colors function added.
- MSX Viewer 1.0 Release.
- Start of version 2.0 project.
MSX Viewer is a tool that loads MSX images on PC, to allow
the user use it on his favorite PC Graphic Tool, in order to modify and return to it to
be saved into MSX format again. With it, you are capable to convert PC images
into MSX much faster than MSX does.
What it can do?
- Open images from Screen 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 and 12.
- Save images to Screen 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 and 12.
- Open/save interlaced pictures (2 pictures at MSX format or 256/512 x 424 PC image).
- Open image saved by BASIC copy.
- Convert 24 bit image to 16 MSX colors.
- Set 16 color image to Screen 2.
- Apply error diffusion on images to get 16 MSX color photos
(to get 16 MSX color photo, open graphic tools, press 8 color button and then 16 MSX button).
- Shows RGB colors, MSX Screen 8 and 2 colors by mouse moving the image.
- Convert and find color palette to a 16 PC color image.
Minimum Configuration
- IBM-PC 486
- 16 MB RAM
- Windows 95
MSX Viewer 4
manual4.pdf - User manual 4 - 500 Kb.
On-line help
Portuguese - English
Abrir = Open
Salvar = Save
Copiar = Copy
Colar = Paste
16 cores = 16 colors
Sobre = About
Graphic Tools:
Dimensoes = Dimensions
Reducao de cor = Color reduction
Paleta de cores = Color palette
Coordenada = Coordinate
Restaurar = Restore
Retornar = Return
Tipo de Texto do PC = Kind of PC text
MSX Viewer 1 and 2
The first version of this project was only able to convert MSX images to PC and exhibit them, as seen on the examples below. On the second version, some algorithms were developed
in order to convert PC images to MSX, but using quite simple color adaptation thechiniques from PC to MSX, like color quantization.
Bozo - Screen 8 (256 x 212 x 256 colors)
Woman - Screen 12 (256 x 212 x 19268 colors)
Ayrton Senna - Screen 12 interlaced (256 x 424 x 19268 colors)
Genius game main screen - Screen 5 (256 x 212 x 16 colors)
Matchday II game screen - Screen 2 (256 x 192 x 16 colors)
MSX Viewer 3
On the third version of the project, the graphic tools were incorporated presenting new images conversion techniques from PC to MSX such as "Error Diffusion", where the image quality improvements were quite remarkable. Thus, it was possible to make use of the MSX 2 palette on the images.
Screen 5 (256 x 212 x 16 colors) - Ricardo Pinheiro and Slotman
Screen 7 interlaced (512 x 424 x 16 colors) - Jung
Screen 5 palette (256 x 212 x 16 colors) - Jung on TV 50 years ago
Screen 2 (256 x 192 x 16 colors) - Buzz Bombers game from Intellivision
Screen 2 (256 x 212 x 16 colors) - Ginseng again !
Screen 2 (256 x 212 x 16 colors) - Jung on newspaper
MSX Viewer 4
On the 4th version, the interface were improved, all the MSX screens were available, including screens 0 and 1, and it was possible to save only an area from the screen for use with Basic COPY command. Thus, several bugs from the 3rd version were fixed.
Screen 6 (512 x 212 x 4 colors) - Ronaldo
Color Magic
This program was designed to change colors on images, by selection one or more colors and replacing by another one.
Screen 5 (256 x 212 x 16 cores) - Matchday II game screen
24 bit Screen - Ginseng after his first and second drink of cassette tea