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Thanks to Julio Marchi for this space in MSX All |
Simple tools for your MSX. Notice that some tools here have been turned into greater projects.
Find differences. This tool compares 2 files, returning the differences. Use: achadif file1 file2 Example: achadif text1.txt text2.txt It returns the absolute position of the difference in file and the two bytes in disagree. Values in hexadecimal. Author: Marcelo Silveira License: GNU-GPL v. 3.x - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt. Download: achadif.zip - Source code in C. Search for encrypted words in file, which algorithm used is shift encryption. For example, the word "MarMSX" is represented by the bytes 4D 61 72 4D 53 58 (standard ASCII table). If we add these bytes some value (shift), the text is modified. The shift value must be the same for all bytes, otherwise the original word is lost. If we shift the word "MarMSX" in 5 bytes foward (52 66 77 52 58 5D), the resulting word is "RfwRX]", which is not comprehensible for us. The program cripfind searches for words encrypted this in files. Use: cripfind file_name word Exemple: cripfind file1.bin MarMSX The program prints the location of the word in file, followed by the shift value used. Author: Marcelo Silveira License: GNU-GPL v. 3.x - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt. Download: cripfind.zip - Source code in C. Shift all bytes in file n positions foward. Use: cripshf file_name new_file value Example: Consider the file "text.txt" containing the message "MarMSX". The command: cripshift text.txt newtext.txt 1 will shift all bytes 1 value foward. In this case, the output file "newfile.txt" will contain the message "NbsNTY". If you want to recover the original message, use the same shift value, but with negative signal. So: cripshift newtexto.txt text3.txt -1 recover the mensage "MarMSX" inside the file "text3.txt". Author: Marcelo Silveira License: GNU-GPL v. 3.x - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt. Download: cripshf.zip - Source code in C. Convert black & white GIF image to screen 0 or 1 character table file format. Usage: img2sc0(file_in, file_out, asc_code); img2sc1(file_in, file_out, asc_code); Description: Convert a GIF image to compose a mosaic on screen 0 or 1 character table. It outputs a character table dump and a Basic loader to assemble the mosaic. - img2sc0 converts GIF to char table on screen 0. - img2sc1 converts GIF to char table on screen 1. - file_in is the GIF image name. - file_out is the output file name. - asc_code is the start position on char table. Ex: img2sc0('img.gif','img.alf',20); Obs: The Basic course (portuguese) offers an extra chapter explaining how to generate screens 0 and 1 mosaics. Designed for GNU-Octave or Matlab. Author: Marcelo Silveira License: GNU-GPL v. 3.x - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt. Download: img2scx.zip - GNU-Octave / Matlab source code. Download: img2scx_sample.zip - Two examples. Download: img2shp_en.pdf - Tutorial on how to generate monochromatic images. Convert black & white GIF images to Graphos III shape format. Use: img2shp Description: Convert one or many GIF images to a single shape file, containing the image collection. Designed for GNU-Octave or Matlab. Note: Graphos III is a brazilian graphic editor. Author: Marcelo Silveira License: GNU-GPL v. 3.x - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt. Download: img2shp.zip - GNU-Octave / Matlab source code. Download: shapes.zip - Some example shapes created using the program. Download: img2shp_en.pdf - Tutorial on how to use the program. Removes the MSX file header (7 first bytes). Great to use with Lammassari Pascal image includes, where his functions consider that image file have no header. Use: noheader file.bin new_file.bin Example: noheader image.grp image.img Author: Marcelo Silveira License: GNU-GPL v. 3.x - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt. Download: noheader.zip - Source code in C. Tool for screen 12 YJK and RGB colors generation. Counts YJK and RGB colors combinations for screens 10, 11 and 12. Use: msx2pcol Author: Marcelo Silveira License: GNU-GPL v. 3.x - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt. Download: msx2pcol.zip - Source code in C. Tool for screen 12 YJK and RGB colors generation. Generates all 15-bit (5+5+5 bits) RGB colors, convert to YJK and get back to RGB. This is useful to know the maximum number of colors can be obtaneid from an image using convertion formulas. Use: msx2ptest Author: Marcelo Silveira License: GNU-GPL v. 3.x - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt. Download: msx2ptest.zip - Source code in C. Tool for list and extract files from a MSX cassette image ".cas". Automatic format identification: Basic, ASCII and binary. Uses: msxcas file.cas (only list files in cassette) msxcas -extract file.cas (extract files from cassette) Example: msxcas tape.cas Author: Marcelo Silveira License: GNU-GPL v. 3.x - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt. Download: msxcas.zip - Source code in C. Tool for screen 12 file information. Shows JK, YJK and RGB number of colors in a screen 12 file. Use: sc12info file Example: sc12info image.pic Author: Marcelo Silveira License: GNU-GPL v. 3.x - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt. Download: sc12info.zip - Source code in C. | ||