Thanks to Julio Marchi for this space in MSX All

  Programs in Basic published by some magazines around the world.

  • The Basic codes are in ASCII format.
    • Due to this format, they may take some time to load.
    • The ASCII format was adopted to allow code studying on PC.
    • To save in common Basic format, just load file on MSX and save WITHOUT ",A" option.
  • Some programs had to be fixed or improved.
  • In case of out of memory when load/run a program, boot MSX holding the control key.

Digivoix 07/2020
Hebdogiciel #164 to #168

Digitize voices on yor MSX.

Download: Digivoix

Minimum configuration: MSX 1

Magazine: Hebdogiciel #164 to #168
Publish year: 1986
Country: France

Tikdit - the crazy prompt 05/2020
MSX Computer Magazine #52

Simulates a crazy prompt that falls on the screen. Uses sprites.

Download: Drawing

Minimum configuration: MSX 1

Magazine: MSX Computer Magazine #52
Publisher: MBI Publications
Publish year: 1992
Country: Netherlands

Collection of drawing programs 05/2020
MSX Computer Magazine #33 to #52

A collection of drawing programs in Basic.

alpine.bas - draws a plane and the scenario.
candle.bas - draws and animate a candle.
haard5.bas - draws a fireplace and performs fire animation.
haard7.bas - draws a fireplace and performs fire animation.
olympic.bas - draws the olimpic rings using block.
square2.bas - creates graphic art using squares.
square7.bas - creates graphic art using squares.

Download: Drawing

Minimum configuration: MSX 2

Magazine: MSX Computer Magazine #33 to #52
Publisher: MBI Publications
Publish years: 1989 to 92
Country: Netherlands

MSX-Sequencer 05/2020
MSX Computing - 11/1984

Create your own note sequences to be played.

Download: MSX-Sequencer

Minimum configuration: MSX 1

Magazine: MSX Computing - November/1984
Publisher: Haymarket Publishing
Publish year: 1984
Country: England

Teken (Draw) 05/2020
MSX Computer Magazine #20

Nice program to draw using mouse on MSX 2.

Download: Teken

Minimum configuration: MSX 2

Magazine: MSX Computer Magazine #20
Publisher: MBI Publications
Publish year: 1988
Country: Netherlands

Fractals 04/2020
MSX Computer Magazine #19

Four programs to draws fractals. Recursion in Basic.

Download: Fractals

Minimum configuration: MSX 1

Magazine: MSX Computer Magazine #19
Publisher: MBI Publications
Publish year: 1987
Country: Netherlands

Piano 04/2020
MSX Micro #01

Play piano on MSX.

Download: Piano

Minimum configuration: MSX 1

Magazine: MSX Micro #01
Publisher: Fonte
Publish year: 1986
Country: Brazil

Pascal's Triangle 04/2020
MSX Computer Magazine #15

Simulation of a ball falling randomly on a triangle space.

Download: Pascal's Triangle

Minimum configuration: MSX 2

Magazine: MSX Computer Magazine #15
Publisher: MBI Publications
Publish year: 1987
Country: Netherlands

Mouse Applications 04/2020
MSX Computer Magazine #15

Some apps that use mouse on MSX written in Basic.

* blokms.bas - draw blocks on the screen.
* demoms.bas - print mouse data on screen.
* drawms.bas - a small "paint" for MSX.
* filems.bas - a small file manager.
* textms.bas - example with text.

Download: Mouse Applications

Minimum configuration: MSX 2

Magazine: MSX Computer Magazine #15
Publisher: MBI Publications
Publish year: 1987
Country: Netherlands

MSX Mem 04/2020
MSX Computer Magazine #12

Nice sprite editor for MSX.

Download: MSX Mem

Minimum configuration: MSX 1

Magazine: MSX Computer Magazine #12
Publisher: MBI Publications
Publish year: 1986
Country: Netherlands

Sprite editor 04/2020
MSX Computer Magazine #11

Nice sprite editor for MSX.

Download: Sprite editor

Minimum configuration: MSX 1

Magazine: MSX Computer Magazine #11
Publisher: MBI Publications
Publish year: 1986
Country: Netherlands

Computer drum 04/2020
MSX Computer Magazine #10

Drum simulator for MSX.

* Two graphic programs for MSX 2. One of them
Download: Computer drum

Minimum configuration: MSX 1

Magazine: MSX Computer Magazine #10
Publisher: MBI Publications
Publish year: 1986
Country: Netherlands

Sorting algorithms 04/2020
MSX Computer Magazine #06

Test bubble, insert and shell sort algorithms.
Use Basic MERGE to join test and sort progs.

* 3D Designer - cool editor for creating 3D objects.
* Colors (MSX 2) - modify palette color.

Download: Sorting algorithms

Minimum configuration: MSX 1

Magazine: MSX Computer Magazine #06
Publisher: MBI Publications
Publish year: 1986
Country: Netherlands

Apple 04/2020
MSX Computer Magazine #01 & #02

Screen 3 animation presenting a worm searching for an apple.

* Wine Glass - 2D and 3D drawing of a wine glass.

Download: Apple

Minimum configuration: MSX 1

Magazine: MSX Computer Magazine #01 & #02
Publisher: MBI Publications
Publish year: 1985
Country: Netherlands

Sistema de archivos hogareño 03/2020
Load MSX #01

A program to catalog items. It is possible to search strings, sort items, save and read data from tape/disk. In spanish, portuguese and english.

* PROG01, PROG02, PROG03 - some examples on MSX coding.

Download: Archivos

Minimum configuration: MSX 1

Magazine: Load MSX #01
Publisher: Proedi
Publish year: 1986
Country: Argentina

Editor de Sprites 03/2020
Load MSX #01

Nice sprite creation tool.

* LUPA - example on how to write a text on screen 3.
* AHORO - interesting comparisson of time between a loop with integer and default variable.

Download: Sprites

Minimum configuration: MSX 1

Magazine: Load MSX #01
Publisher: Proedi
Publish year: 1986
Country: Argentina

Dactilografía 03/2020
Load MSX #01

Program for keyboard typing training.

Download: Dactlografia

Minimum configuration: MSX 1

Magazine: Load MSX #01
Publisher: Proedi
Publish year: 1986
Country: Argentina

Marcelo Silveira
Systems and Computing Engineer
Expert in Image Processing and Artificial Intelligence
© MarMSX 1999-2025