Thanks to Julio Marchi for this space in MSX All

MSX Digitized Sound Generator

  A nice tool to convert PC sounds (samples) to run on MSX PSG. Digitize voices and insert into your app!
MAP Player - 8-bit   MAP Player is a PCM unsigned 8-bit player for MSX, created by Laurens Holst from MSX Assembly Page. It makes use of the three MSX PSG channels in a smart way, discriminating up to 244 sound levels.
  In the project DSG, we adapted this player to work together Move Data and play using the MSX RAM pages 0 and 1.
Source code   First part: change slots and set PSG channels.
D000  		   10 		ORG  &HD000		; Initial address
D000  F3	   20 		DI 			; Disable interruptions
D001  3E 07	   30 		LD   A,7		;  
D003  D3 A0	   40 		OUT  (&HA0),A		; Sel. PSG reg. 7
D005  3E B8	   50 		LD   A,&B10111000	; Sel. channels A,B,C
D007  D3 A1	   60 		OUT  (&HA1),A		; Change PSG Mixer
D009  06 07	   70 		LD   B,7		; 
D00B  78	   80 LPSG:	LD   A,B		; 
D00C  3D	   90 		DEC  A			; Zero regs. 0-6
D00D  D3 A0	  100 		OUT  (&HA0),A		; 
D00F  AF	  110 		XOR  A			; 
D010  D3 A1	  120 		OUT  (&HA1),A		; 
D012  10 F7	  130 		DJNZ LPSG		; 
D014  DB A8	  140 		IN   A,(&HA8)		; Read slots
D016  5F	  150 		LD   E,A		;
D017  06 04	  160 		LD   B,4		;
D019  CB 3F	  170 ROT:	SRL  A			; Sets all RAM
D01B  10 FC	  180 		DJNZ ROT		;
D01D  83	  190 		ADD  A,E		;
D01E  D3 A8	  200 		OUT  (&HA8),A		;
  Author: Marcelo Silveira.

  Second part - player.
D020  21 00 00	  210 		LD   HL,0		; Data initial address
D023  11 00 80	  220 		LD   DE,&H8000		; Data length
D026  D9	  230 		EXX 			;
D027  0E A1	  240 		LD   C,&HA1		;
D029  16 00	  250 		LD   D,0		;
D02B  D9	  260 		EXX 			;
D02C  7E	  270 LOOP:	LD   A,(HL)		;
D02D  23	  280 		INC  HL			;
D02E  D9	  290 		EXX 			;
D02F  5F	  300 		LD   E,A		;
D030  21 00 D2	  310 		LD   HL,&HD200		; Link psg_table
D033  19	  320 		ADD  HL,DE		;
D034  46	  330 		LD   B,(HL)		;
D035  24	  340 		INC  H			;
D036  5E	  350 		LD   E,(HL)		;
D037  24	  360 		INC  H			;
D038  66	  370 		LD   H,(HL)		;
D039  3E 08	  380 		LD   A,8		;
D03B  D3 A0	  390 		OUT  (&HA0),A		;
D03D  3C	  400 		INC  A			;
D03E  ED 41	  410 		OUT  (C),B		;
D040  D3 A0	  420 		OUT  (&HA0),A		;
D042  ED 59	  430 		OUT  (C),E		;
D044  3C	  440 		INC  A			;
D045  D3 A0	  450 		OUT  (&HA0),A		;
D047  ED 61	  460 		OUT  (C),H		;
D049  06 08	  470 		LD   B,8		; Delay = 8
D04D  D9	  490 		EXX 			;
D04E  1B	  500 		DEC  DE			;
D04F  7A	  510 		LD   A,D		;
D050  B3	  520 		OR   E			;
D051  C2 2C D0	  530 		JP   NZ,LOOP		;
  Author: Laurens Holst.

  Third part - PSG and slots reset.
D054  DB A8	  540 		IN   A,(&HA8)		; 
D056  E6 F0	  550 		AND  &HF0		; Reset slots to 00xx
D058  D3 A8	  560 		OUT  (&HA8),A		; 
D05A  FB	  570 		EI 			; Enable interruptions
D05B  CD 90 00	  580 		CALL &H90		; Clear PSG
D05E  C9	  590 		RET 			; Return
  Author: Marcelo Silveira.

  O MAP Player was created by Laurens Holst (part 2) and Marcelo Silveira (parts 1 and 3) and it is under BSD-2-Clause license.
PCM - PSG conversion table   The line 310 of the program refers to a PCM to PSG conversion table. This table contains the three PSG channels for each PCM value, in the following way:
Addresses &HD200 - &HD2FF: Channel A volume
Addresses &HD300 - &HD3FF: Channel B volume
Addresses &HD400 - &HD4FF: Channel C volume

  You can find about thus table in the following article: 8-bit sounds on MSX PSG.
Player settings   Change the following data with MSX Basic POKE:
  • &HD021 - LSB sound initial data.
  • &HD022 - MSB sound initial data.
  • &HD024 - LSB sound length.
  • &HD025 - MSB sound length.
  • &HD04A - Delay.
  MAP Player [MSX 1] - 8-bit format player [MSX 1] - Tables for different scales.
  som_8bit_en.pdf - Article "8-bit sounds on MSX PSG"

  O MAP Player was created by Laurens Holst (part 2) and Marcelo Silveira (parts 1 and 3) and it is under BSD-2-Clause license.

  We would like to thank Laurens Holst for gentily giving us permission to use his code.


  1. The MSX Red Book, Avalon Software. McGraw Hill.
  2. Video Hits, produced by Grupo CPM, Brazil.
  3. Digivoix, produced by Hartard Frederic and publish on frech magazine Hebdogiciel,
numbers 164 to 168, 1986.

Marcelo Silveira
Systems and Computing Engineer
Expert in Image Processing and Artificial Intelligence
© MarMSX 1999-2025