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Thanks to Julio Marchi for this space in MSX All |
![]() Portuguese The objective is to guide a balloon through a maze, until it touches the black cross located on the right top of the screen. "Guie o Balao" was published on a Brazilian magazine called "MSX Micro", number 4. This game is quite simple to understand the code and it is a good stuff for new programmers to study. Requisites: - MSX 1 The game was developed in Basic for MSX 1, using screen 0 for messages and screen 2 for the game. The ballon is drawn using an 8x8 sprite mode 0. There are four sub-routines used to draw each screen, which use DRAW instruction to draw the obstacles. Main loop uses STICK instruction to read the player's movements. Thus, it uses a bounding box to detect the type of area located under the balloon. Two colors guide the decision on the screen: if the balloon lies on a red area, the player looses one life. If the color is black, the player succeeded on crossing the screen. Otherwise, the game still on. General initializations Used variables:
10 COLOR1,15,15:KEYOFF:HI=0:PLAY"O2G#F#BO3C#GD#C#F#D#O2BC#C#F#": Q=0:GOSUB1300:OPEN"GRP:"AS#1:N$="M S X" 20 LI=3:S=1:CLS:SC=0 30 SCREEN 2,0 The balloon 40 RESTORE:A$="":FORF=0TO7:READD$:A$=A$+CHR$(VAL("&B"+D$)):NEXTF:SPRITE$(0)=A$ 50 DATA 00001000 60 DATA 00011100 70 DATA 00111110 80 DATA 00111110 90 DATA 00010100 100 DATA 00010100 110 DATA 00011100 120 DATA 00011100 Sub-routines for drawing the screens The following sub-routine is responsible for drawing the common elements present on the four screens, as well as to manage the other screens sub-routines. 130 ' ** TELA ** 140 TIME=0 150 CLS 160 GOSUB1910 170 ONSGOSUB380,530,680,830,1140 180 DRAW"BM230,11C1R10D10L10U10F10L10E10" 190 COLOR15:PRESET(10,3):PRINT#1,"VIDAS=";LI:PRESET(10,180):PRINT#1,"PONTOS=";SCThe fist thing to do is reset the TIME variable, used to measure the time spent to complete the screen (line 140). The next step is to draw the borders. 1910 LINE(0,0)-(250,10),6,BF 1920 LINE(0,0)-(10,190),6,BF 1930 LINE(250,0)-(240,190),6,BF 1940 LINE(0,190)-(250,180),6,BF 1950 RETURNLine 170 establishes the calling order to the sub-routines according to the variable S (current screen). Line 180 draws the black target "X" on the right top of the screen, using the DRAW command. The code C1 means color 1 (black).
180 DRAW"BM230,11C1R10D10L10U10F10L10E10"
Line 190 writes the game data on the screen such as lives (vidas) and score (pontos).Screen 1 380 ' ** TELA 1 ** 390 A$="E10F10H5G5" 400 LINE(0,100)-(100,108),6,BF:LINE(111,100)-(250,108),6,BF 410 LINE(111,0)-(119,30),6,BF:LINE(111,43)-(119,100),6,BF 420 DRAW"BM84,70C6XA$;" 430 FORT=30TO200STEP20 440 DRAW"BM=T;,165C6XA$;" 450 NEXTT 460 DRAW"BM70,50C6XA$;" 470 DRAW"BM18,68C6XA$;" 480 DRAW"BM18,60C6XA$;" 490 DRAW"BM220,40C6XA$;":DRAW"BM122,50C6XA$;":DRAW"BM142,40C6XA$;" 500 DRAW"BM165,33C6XA$;" 510 X=150:Y=130 520 RETURNLine 390 defines A$ as the following obstacle, which will be drawn by the lines 420, 440 and 460-500: ![]() Interpreting the A$ data, we have the following cursor movements: 10↗, 10↘, 5↖, 5↙Each line mentioned before, which makes use of the A$ data, does the following: BM X,Y - Defines the initial drawing coordinates. Cn - Defines the color, which is 6 (red).Line 510 defines the initial position of the balloon. Screen 2 530 ' ** TELA 2 ** 540 B$="R10H5G5D10R4U4R2D4R4U10D10L10" 550 FORT=30TO230STEP11 560 DRAW"BM=T;,50C6XB$;" 570 NEXTT 580 FORT=10TO220STEP11 590 DRAW"BM=T;,100XB$;" 600 NEXT 610 FORT=30TO230STEP11 620 DRAW"BM=T;,145XB$;" 630 NEXT 640 X=220:Y=160 650 DRAW"BM109,78XB$;":DRAW"BM130,70XB$;":DRAW"BM160,78XB$;" 660 DRAW"BM109,128XB$;":DRAW"BM130,120XB$;":DRAW"BM160,128XB$;" 670 RETURNThe same as screen 1, but the obstacle is different and defined on B$: ![]() Screen 3 680 ' ** TELA 3 ** 690 LINE(30,50)-(45,190),6,BF 700 DRAW"BM32,25C6XB$;" 710 LINE(60,0)-(75,147),6,BF 720 DRAW"BM62,165XB$;" 730 LINE(90,50)-(105,190),6,BF 740 DRAW"BM92,25XB$;" 750 LINE(120,0)-(135,147),6,BF 760 DRAW"BM122,165XB$;" 770 LINE(150,50)-(165,190),6,BF 780 DRAW"BM152,25XB$;" 790 LINE(200,0)-(230,100),6,BF 800 LINE(200,112)-(215,190),6,BF 810 X=15:Y=150 820 RETURNDraw the same obstacle used on screen 2. Screen 4 830 ' ** TELA 4 ** 840 LINE(120,0)-(126,60),6,BF 850 X=200:Y=160 860 LINE(120,72)-(126,135),6,BF 870 LINE(120,147)-(126,190),6,BF 880 LINE(0,90)-(70,96),6,BF 890 LINE(80,90)-(250,95),6,BF 900 C$="U10R12U5R3D15L15" 910 DRAW"BM90,62XC$;" 920 DRAW"BM97,35XC$;" 930 DRAW"BM78,82XC$;" 940 DRAW"BM73,57XC$;" 950 DRAW"BM200,140XA$;" 960 DRAW"BM185,130XA$;" 970 DRAW"BM157,140XA$;" 980 DRAW"BM215,135XA$;" 990 DRAW"BM132,151XA$;" 1000 FORT=20TO115STEP11 1010 DRAW"BM=T;,156XB$;" 1020 NEXT 1030 DRAW"BM82,105XB$;" 1040 DRAW"BM60,105XB$;" 1050 DRAW"BM73,132XB$;" 1060 D$="U30R10D30L10U26BR3R3D3L3U3BD5R3D3L3U3BD5R3D3L3U3BD5R3D3L3U3BD5R3D3L3U3" 1070 DRAW"BM220,78XD$;" 1080 DRAW"BM205,46XD$;" 1090 DRAW"BM136,45XD$;" 1100 DRAW"BM136,87XD$;" 1110 DRAW"BM157,67XD$;" 1120 DRAW"BM188,82XD$;" 1130 RETURNThe hardest screen, has two new obstacles defined on C$ and D$, respectively: ![]() ![]() Mission succeeded 1140 ' ** FIM DO JOGO ** 1145 ' ** VOLTA P/ O INICIO ** 1150 SCREEN 0:COLOR1 1160 CLS 1170 PRINT" PARABENS, BALONISTA ! VOCE" 1180 PRINT 1190 PRINT" COMPLETOU TODAS AS TELAS !" 1200 PRINT 1210 PRINT" SEUS PONTOS FORAM :" 1220 PRINT 1230 PRINT" ";SC 1240 PRINT 1250 PRINT" PRESS. ESPACO OU TIRO" 1260 PRINT 1270 PRINT" PARA A PROXIMA JORNADA." 1280 S=1:IFSTRIG(Q)THENSCREEN2,0:GOTO40 1290 GOTO 1280If the four screens are completed, a message is print on screen 0. The line 1280 waits for space bar or joystick button 1 to re-start the game. Main loop This routine is responsible for capturing the player's movements and check the balloon navigation on screen. 200 ' ** LOOP PRINCIPAL ** 210 ST=STICK(Q):IFST=0THEN250 220 IFST=1THENY=Y-1:GOTO 260 230 IFST=3THENX=X+1:GOTO 260 240 IFST=7THENX=X-1:GOTO 260 250 Y=Y+1 260 PUTSPRITE0,(X,Y),3 270 IFPOINT(X,Y)=6THENGOTO 330 280 IFPOINT(X,Y)=1THENGOTO 360 290 X%=X+7:Y%=Y+8 300 IFPOINT(X%,Y%)=6THENGOTO 330 310 IFPOINT(X%,Y%)=1THENGOTO 360 320 GOTO210Lines 210-250 are responsible for reading commands from keyboard or joystick. Only the up (ST=1), right (ST=3) and left (ST=7) movements are interpreted. In this case, other movements or even no movement leads the program to the line 250, which introduces the ballon a falling movement. In order to improve the balloon guidance, we suggest that both diagonal up movements should be treated: 225 IFST=2THENY=Y-1:X=X+1:GOTO 260 245 IFST=8THENY=Y-1:X=X-1:GOTO 260Line 260 is responsible for drawing the balloon on screen. Lines 270-310 create a bounding box around the balloon in order to verify the screen area that the balloon is overlapping. In the next figure, the bounding box is defined by the area delimited by the crosses "+". + 1 111 11111 11111 1 1 1 1 111 111+Despites of defining a rectangle, the routine only checks the colors located exactly under the crosses. This test may be more effective, if we check all the four corners of the rectangle. Each test verify if the pixel is red, which means fail and a life lost: 330 LI=LI-1:IFLI<1THEN1710 340 PLAY"O4L5CCCD#DDCCCC":FORT=1TO100:NEXTT 350 GOTO130Or black, which means success: 360 IFTIME<3000THENSC=SC+3000-TIME 370 PLAY"O6DB":S=S+1:GOTO 130Line 360 reads the TIME variable to check the time spent to complete the screen. This value is used to calculate the score. The value 3000 for TIME corresponds to 30 seconds to complete each screen. This time is quite short to complete the screens 2-4, which generally leads to a null score. First screen 1300 COLOR1:CLS 1310 PRINT" GUIE O BALAO":PRINT 1320 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT 1330 PRINT" " 1340 PRINT 1350 K$=" 'D' P/ VER TELAS " 1360 X$="GUIE O BALAO ...........'C' P/ COMECAR.........'J' P/ JOYSTICK.........'I' P/ INSTRUCOES." 1370 COLOR1:J$=K$+X$ 1380 FORT=1TOLEN(J$) 1390 LOCATE4,15:PRINTTAB(2);MID$(J$,T,18) 1400 LOCATE4,15:FORK=1TO100:NEXT 1410 A$=INKEY$:IFA$=""THENNEXT 1420 IFA$="C"THENRETURN 1430 IFA$="J"THENQ=1 1440 IFA$="I"THEN1470 1450 IFA$="D"THEN1960 1460 GOTO1380Lines 1350-1400 create a sliding text on screen, as seen on Brazilian Expert MSX manual [1] example for the command MID$. Lines 1410-1450 wait for a key to be pressed. Notice that the lower case letters are not treated here. To solve this bug, type: 1420 IFA$="C"ORA$="c"THENRETURN 1430 IFA$="J"ORA$="j"THENQ=1 1440 IFA$="I"ORA$="i"THEN1470 1450 IFA$="D"ORA$="d"THEN1960 Instructions 1470 CLS 1480 PRINT" GUIE O BALAO 1490 PRINT 1500 PRINT" SEU BALAO ESTA FURADO E VOCE" 1510 PRINT" PRECISA VIAJAR ATRAVES DE " 1520 PRINT" QUATRO TELAS DE SUSPENSE" 1530 PRINT" PARA CONTINUAR NO AR" 1540 PRINT 1550 PRINT" PARA COMPLETAR A TELA VOCE" 1560 PRINT" PRECISA POUSAR NA CRUZ" 1570 PRINT" NEGRA NO TOPO DIREITO" 1580 PRINT" DA TELA":PRINT 1590 PRINT" TOCANDO EM QUALQUER COISA" 1600 PRINT" RESULTA NA PERDA DE UMA " 1610 PRINT" VIDA":PRINT 1620 PRINT" CUIDADO ! O BALAO INICIA" 1630 PRINT" CAINDO QUANDO A TELA" 1640 PRINT" E' DESENHADA.":PRINT 1650 PRINT" BOA SORTE! 1660 PRINT 1670 PRINT" -PRESS. ESPACO-" 1680 A$=INKEY$:IFA$=""THEN1680 1690 IFA$<>" "THEN1680 1700 CLS:GOTO 1380 Display all four screens 1960 SCREEN2,0:CLS:D=1 1970 ONDGOSUB380,530,680,830 1980 IFD=5THENFORT=1TO1000:NEXT:CLS:SCREEN0:GOTO1380 1990 GOSUB1910:D=D+1:FORT=1TO1000:NEXT:CLS:GOTO1970 The end of the game 1710 COLOR1:SCREEN0 1720 CLS:PRINT" VOCE BATEU MAS SEUS PONTOS SAO :" 1730 PRINT:PRINT 1740 PRINT" ";SC 1750 IFSC>HITHENGOSUB1850 1760 PRINT:PRINT 1770 PRINT" O RECORDE AGORA E:" 1780 PRINT:PRINT 1790 PRINT" ";HI 1800 PRINT:PRINT" POR:- ";N$ 1810 PRINT:PRINT" PRESS. 'C' PARA JOGAR NOVAMENTE" 1820 A$=INKEY$:IFA$=""THEN1820 1830 IFA$="C"ORA$="c"THENGOTO 20 1840 GOTO 1820 1850 PRINT" UM NOVO RECORDE !":PRINT 1860 PRINT"DIGITE SEU NOME: ":PRINT 1870 LINEINPUTN$ 1880 IFLEN(N$)>15THENPRINT:PRINT"MUITO LONGO":GOTO 1860 1890 HI=SC 1900 RETURN ![]() By taking advantage of the MSX 2 graphic resources, I decided to improve the game and fix some bugs. Improvements:
The game: Guie o Balao. MSX 2 version: Guie o Balao 2. References: [1]- Book Linguagem Basic, 5th. Edition, P. Piazzi, Editora Aleph, 1987. |